I usually hang out on the Undernet network on irc. My nick is StarHoney (incase you hadn't guessed hehe), sometimes StarFire^. It usually depends on what mood I'm in.
The rooms I'm in most often are: #tuesdaysgone #Gods_Love #evangelism #scripture+opps #bible. There's more places I hang out in but not so often, too many windoze to have open =) #tuesdaysgone is where I hang out with a few of my good friends out on irc. I almost forgot to mention that we all play diablo II - it's NOT addictive, really! Well actually it is =) It's a new toy for me but the guys are well into it.
As I mentioned in my bio, I like to help counsel on irc. This takes up a lot of time, but it's well worth it. It is a hurting world out there, and I believe totally that God wants me to help these people. There are many people I have to face that come in to insult Christians, but a lot of the time even those people can be persuaded to listen.
Usually those that come in and say disgusting things or insult us personally are the ones who are hurting, so I have to lift myself above all of that and look at it through God's eyes. To someone who doesn't believe in God this may sound stupid what I am saying, but to that I would say to you to read this scripture: 1Cor1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (NKJ)
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